About AAN


Autoantibody Network (AAN) has been functioning since 2004. The AAN conference has become a major platform of this enthusiastic professional group. The main focus of the conference is to update knowledge, exchange information and clinical applications on autoantibodies. The 1st conference was held in London, Ontario, in 2005. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th conferences were subsequently held in Fredericton, New Brunswick (2006); Ottawa, Ontario (2007); Vancouver, British Columbia (2008); Toronto, Ontario (2009); Mississauga, Ontario (2011); Port Credit, Ontario (2012); Mississauga, Ontario (2014); Port Credit, Ontario (2015); Jasper, Alberta (2016); Meadowvale, Ontario (2017); Niagara Falls, Ontario (2018); Meadowvale, Ontario (2019); Hamilton, Ontario (2022); Port Credit, Ontario (2023), and Fredericton, New Brunswick (2024).

We warmly welcome you to join the group, and also participate in the unique conference! Associate with experts and peers, join the practical discussions and network with both old and new friends!

The upcoming 17th Conference of the Autoantibody Network (Autoantibody Summit 2025) will be held in Edmonton, Alberta on September 18 & 19, 2025. More details are to be announced.

Please do visit this website frequently for updates and stay tuned for the network activities!